Monthly Archives: October 2009

Instruction #2

The second in a series of sentences you never thought you’d hear yourself saying. “Don’t draw on your toast.”

Instruction #1

The first in a series of sentences you never thought you’d hear yourself saying. “Don’t wipe your nose on the sieve.”


Found some medlars for the first time at our farmers market and bought a kilo. Looked up two recipes I’d seen on TV to make use of them and am caught up in the mystery and romance of the thought of cooking them once they have bletted. No doubt at some point in a few […]


Daddy [making the fatal mistake of trying to involve Mummy in current affairs again]: “The Irish have voted ‘Yes’ this time.” Mummy: “‘Yes’ to what?” Daddy: “The Lisbon treaty” Mummy: “The lesbian treaty???”

Medal #6


This seems to work. People say the crop is really bad this year but there’s a small hill near us that has a row of bushes with quite a lot of fruit on each. Sloe and Bramley Apple Jelly Recipe


Crunchy – Ours will be ready to eat in a week or so.


Child #1 likes videos of cats on treadmills – ***UPDATE. we didn’t stop to think that this was Child #2’s only ever exposure to treadmills until she went along to pick up Child #1 from the gym and said excitedly  “That lady doing exercise like the cats!”


Child #1: “Mummy, how old were you when daddy was a girl?”

Make your mind up

Child #1 [is helping in the kitchen]: “Can you pass me some clingfoil?”